When asked's fiancee, Rossa has just released her new album deftly says the news is gossip.
"I do not (really). That's just gossip, "he said when met at Studio Powerful RCTI, Kebon Jeruk Jakarta, recently.
However Rossa grateful that she was given the opportunity to clarify that. "There must be no true baseball news like that," he said.
Once again Rossa confirmed the news she's fiancee, especially coupled with the reported engaged to a widower with seven children, is gossip.
"I often rumored to be with anybody. But baseball was right, "he said.
So yes or no news about the fiance's?
"Enggaklah. It was just a rumor. Okay? Already yes, "he concluded.
How could hitmaker, Rossa, their opinions do not agree or do not respond fatwa Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), told infotainment unlawful.
She told him understand better where the MUI ghibah character, and slander. There are some of the audience, which, according to Rossa, can only swallow the information that was presented infotainment.
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