Miller has denied the cause blurred Arumi Bachsin from home, but Miller admitted Arumi met in Singapore.
"If I meet him in Singapore, it's true. In fact, Miller, who helped Arumi. Just think, if there is a guy one room with a new woman is known," said assistant Miller, Roni, met at the Miller residence in the area of East Setiabudi, Jakarta, Tuesday (23 / 11 / 2010) night.
Roni denied Miller's departure to Singapore has been planned and deliberate to meet the movie star's Not for Sale.
"About three weeks ago, Miller is in Singapore for some business, all visa. Continue Arumi phone for help. So, all coincidence," he said.
For the sake of his word, promising Roni Miller will clarify all the accusations addressed to him Arumi family. However, he has not been able to confirm the time because Miller was busy filming.
"Later, Miller would say really. But do not know when, because now he's more willing to focus on playing the film and filming in the area of South Jakarta," he explained. Arumi KPAI escape to the office on October 23, 2010 night. To KPAI, Not For Sale star admitted to an arranged marriage by Maria. In arranged marriages, the Arumi forced Mary to accompany him on holiday to Singapore alone.
On arrival in Singapore, the man booked a hotel room to be occupied together with Arumi. Without further ado, the man kissed Arumi. Not happy to have indecent treatment, Arumi contacted Miller, who was living in Singapore.
Miller came to the hotel and save the actress was 18. Then, Arumi and entrepreneurs were returning to Jakarta. But instead of sent home parents, Arumi again taken to a hotel.
Arumi have a reason to deceive employers that by letting her buy something outside the hotel. Immediately also, Arumi escape by pretending to use a hat, jacket, and sunglasses. The actress who was barely 18-year-old was walking towards the office KPAI.
According okezone.com, until now, Arumi in KPAI protection.
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