Selasa, 29 Juni 2010

Foto Hot Chintya Alona

Chintya Alona Brave berfose Bugil Telanjang, Alona Chintya very Beautiful and sexy, Alona Chintya known as Hot Artists And Models Indonesia, Many Fose and good pictures to the Internet Always showing his body beauty, Wow ...There may also not know who...
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Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

Luna Maya Absen Pemeriksaan Lanjutan, Ariel Jadi Tersangka

If one of telematics expert Roy Suryo choose silence, why do we as bloggers do not participate actively to investigate and analyze the accuracy or authenticity of the video nasty are Luna Maya and Ariel. The word of friends and friends all say, 90% porn...
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Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

Screenshot Ariel-Aura Kasih Hot

Is it true or not Aura kasih it also needs to be discussed that the Aura kasih and Ariel peterpan also have hot videos, rumors desus.Aura as an ex-boyfriend's love peterpan ariel. Ariel also need to be wary if this ever recorded with an aura of intimate...
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Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

Dewi Persik Pernah Merekam Adegan Hotnya

Unfinished splashy news about porno video Cut Tari or Luna Maya with Ariel, surprisingly Dewi Persik make a confession that he had to record that in doing sex scenes with her ex-husband once, Saipul Jamil."Never before (record a sex scene) same time...
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Video Hot Cut Tari Dan Ariel

Will never run out the storm hit Indonesian artist, both artists sign up or not. Examples such as experienced Cut Tari, Luna Maya with Ariel. Video indecent scenes that made artists like Cut Tari allegedly made in 2006 ago. It can be known from the...
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Ariel - Luna Maya Mesum

This is truly scandalous news universe Indonesian artists. By Friday (4 / 6) early morning, on Facebook circulated two gonzo videos performed by a pair of beings that are very similar and Ariel Peterpan Luna Maya.Video in two editions, each a duration...
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Senin, 07 Juni 2010

Tante Hot sophia Latjuba

Who doesn't know this artist, Sophia Latjuba was born in West Berlin, August 8, 1970. The former soap star was initiated Lux wide-screen acting in the movie stripes regret in 1987.Sophia Latjuba familiar woman is also known as a model, presenter, commercials,...
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Tante Hot Yuni Sara

Yuni Shara (born 3 June 1972 di Malang, East Java with complete name Wahyu Setyaning Budi) as actress and singer of Indonesia. She have old sister Krisdayanti. Her mother name is Rachma Widadiningsih.Yuni Shara was born as Wahyu Setyaning Budi in Batu,...
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Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010

Foto Hot Payudara Heidi Montag di Hargai 4 Miliar

Crazy... Really expensive, there are 4 billion of breast appreciated, like what the hell? Yeah,, hollywood artist reportedly bargained for Heidi Montag to 4 billion her breast.But heidi Montag declined to that.Is the playboy magazine value priced 4 billion...
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Video Hot Luna Maya - Ariel Beredar

Ariel similar outstanding porn videos and Luna Maya making splashy among artists and people of Indonesia. Ariel and Luna Maya articles in this pair is being discussed with the circulation crowded Porn Videos made by people like Ariel and Luna Maya. The...
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Foto Hot ModelTertinggi Di Dunia

To become a professional model, height is one of height if persyaratannya.Tapi been excessive if there could be a model ..? Sure can.Eve, an American model who was also the highest in the world model is jawabannya.Tingginya a 2 meter and 5-cm (6-feet...
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Luna Maya Iklas Tentang Video Mesum Dirinya

There's a saying "The higher the tree, also faster winds that blow", it seems the adage that make overcoming strong luna maya gossip storm that hit him. Since fame in the entertainment world, his name incessantly affected not tasty gossip. Now, this...
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Foto Hot Luna Maya

Artis Luna Maya lagi infotainment yang meradang. Twitternya account, Luna mengamuk. Dia disebut infotainment peringkat lebih rendah daripada pekerja seks komersial "Lebih rendah peringkat Infotemnt dr. Pd pelacur, PEMBUNUH jiwa ur Mei membakar! Di neraka,"...
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Artika Sari Devi, Tidak Pakai Bra ???

Artika Sari Devi daughter of former Indonesian, Maintaining the beauty of the body including the breast is very important. He always chose a cotton bra and fit, so comfortable to wear. However, when she's sleeping more enjoyable without a bra. The first...
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Foto Hot Angelina Jolie Di Bathtub

In the action film 'Wanted', Angelina Jolie as Fox's role. In one scene in the movie, Angelina Jolie beradegan was out of a pool, the scene appears naked Jolie. Now the photos and video footage spread vugil the Internet.Photos Jolie naked is not just...
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Foto Hot Aline Tumbuan Beredar lagi

Who does not know the artist section, Aline Tumbuan. Artist model was famous for the sexy look and hot quickly made famous. But many people also admit that his body is sexy and fantastic hehehe ...Celebrity old & up to now strongly oppose the bill...
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Foto Mesra Rahma Azhary Dengan Cowok

Is the man in the photo is a new star lover 'Rooms Pocong One' it?When asked by detikhot by telephone, Tuesday (23/3/2010), Rahma was answered. He also claimed the man in the photo is his friend."He's like my family," said 28-year-old woman was.Problem...
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Foto Hot Aura Kasih

Similarly, laen artists who have experience of acting, you also tested the aura perfilaman the world through film premiere "Duna love Diana" which she starred with luna maya where, in addition to acting filler As with aura also soundtracknya as well.Here...
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