This is truly scandalous news universe Indonesian artists. By Friday (4 / 6) early morning, on Facebook circulated two gonzo videos performed by a pair of beings that are very similar and Ariel Peterpan Luna Maya.
Video in two editions, each a duration of 1.4 minutes and 6.5 minutes. The video allegedly taken by cell phone with mp4 format data. Second man whose face was clear it looked alternately holding the camera to record the scene. Even a butterfly tattoo on her left buttocks like Luna Maya was very clearly visible.
In the second video looks like human sex couples with a variety of positions. Occasionally there was a conversation that did not clear him. In addition to its recording quality is minimal, also because the sound hit television broadcasting. Video is seen have the edits, because the pieces.
When news of this writing, the two videos was deleted by the manager of Facebook. But porn video files are already scattered in different sites to download service providers are ready to use.
But so, Although many reported in the media, or ordinary Nazriel addressed Ilham Ariel does not interfere with the circulation of pornographic videos he's with Luna Maya.
"Yes (not bothered). Because we're here all no one knows (video porn) is, "said a close friend of Ariel, Budi okezone Suratman when contacted from Jakarta, Friday (4/6/2010).
Budi revealed today Ariel and his band friends were in Kalimantan to continue the tour gig. The plan after a gig in Borneo, they will fly to North Sulawesi.
Ariel similar outstanding porn videos and Luna Maya in cyberspace, there are two of the video and have a different duration. The video image captured via mobile phone so that can not be ascertained whether the perpetrator is a video nasty Luna Maya and Ariel. However, a glimpse of two stars in a porn video it does look like both of them.
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