Senin, 29 November 2010

Pornografi Diblokir Masuk Indonesia, AS Kehilangan Banyak Uang

Perhaps many people who do not know that the pornographic content is a major industry in the world. Even if the income of all content throughout the world gathered it was just a third of the income-esek esek such content. Most of the pornography industry in America.

"If the revenue collected from all of the content does not exist pengasilan third of pornography," said Minister of Communications and Information Tifatul Sembiring when talking with ITGazine, Monday (11/29/2010), at the Hotel Savoy Homman, Bandung.

Revenue pornographic content every year, continued the minister, can reach hundreds of billions of dollars. Even Tifatul said there was one of the pornographic content in the U.S. that is able to reap U.S. $ 3600 per second.

"The industry is very big. Revenue from this defeat all the income, "he said.

To some extent, Indonesia also has a connection with this case. Because, with diblokirnya pornography in the country, then America is believed to Tifatul would lose substantial revenue. The reason, almost 60 percent of the pornography industry in America.

"The biggest is the American. About 60 percent of the pornography industry in America. Can be calculated how much revenue is reduced because the United who we block porn content here, "he said.

However, not only because it was blocking porn sites. According to the minister, the blocking of pornographic content since the mandate of the law.

"Block porn sites rather than my personal desire, but trust the law. In the Law number 36 of 1999 said that telecommunications operators are prohibited from providing content that is contrary to the immoral. Or Act of 2008 on the ITE. In Article 27 paragraph 1 may not distribute the pornographic content in the community, "he explained.

"Coupled with Act 44 of 2008 concerning pornography. In article 17 says the government nor the local government must prevent the spread of pornography in society. So it's not the prayer, zakat and fasting are obligatory, but is also mandatory in the Act, "he insisted.

Pasha Ungu Resmi Melamah Sang Kekasih

Amid tight schedule Purple, Pasha steal time to make the event application. Pasha was relieved to have asked Delia Wilhelmina as a candidate for his new wife.

The event took place during the day, Sunday (11/28/2010) at the residence of the parents Delia, Jl Margacinta, Stone Fruit, Bandung. After they finished beramah hearted with family, Pasha and Delia also held a news conference.

Purple vocalist, Pasha officially apply for the beloved Delia Wilhelmina on Sunday last Sunday. However, until now Pasha has not set a date for his marriage to Delia Wilhelmina.

Pasha's father, Said Syamsudin admitted his side will hold a meeting again with the family of Delia in the near future. In pertamuan that, they intend to discuss the wedding date.

"After this we are meeting up again to set a date," he said when met after Syamsudin Said Pasha and application events on Jl Margacinta Delia, Stone Fruit, Bandung, on Sunday (28/11/2010).

Syamsudin Said Pasha's hope the second marriage can be eternal. He wanted to be a faithful companion Delia son.

"I hope this is the first party last she find a mate," said Syamsudin.

Pasha had previously revealed she wants to marry 21-year-old woman in January 2011. But, Delia parties feel good wedding date Pasha and Delia fell in March 2011.

Minggu, 28 November 2010

Ananda Mikola Melamar Marcella Zalianty

The national racer, Ananda Mikola want to show the seriousness of the lover with the courage to propose Zalianty Marcella, the woman who nearly two years dipacarinya.

Located at the residence of the mother Marcella Ciganjur Zalianty in the region, South Jakarta, the event took place enclosed application and only attended by family and closest relatives of both bride and groom.

Couple this profession seems harmonious difference with flowers patterned dress. With a radiant face after attending a traditional ceremony in the application process, Ananda also share the story to reporters who were waiting. "The procession of the application was more tense than race," he told the show Celebrities on SCTV Hello, Monday (8 / 11).

Men born 21 April 1980 it claimed to have 14 years like daughter Liz Indrianti Tetty it. "Naksirnya of the first accomplished in 1996 just now. It's hard and happy together," he said.

As a sign of seriousness peningset or love Ananda Mikola to Marcella, she gave a pair of gold earrings inlaid with precious stones, as well as original shawl Sumatra. "His mother gave Anand a peningset of earrings and scarves. It is a tradition of Sumatra, Marcella clear.

If there is no obstruction, December 7, touted as their wedding day. The ceremony will be held at the Masjid At-Tin, Complex Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, East Jakarta. Meanwhile, a reception will be held at the Sentul Circuit, Bogor, West Java.

Jumat, 26 November 2010

Hair Color Trends 2011

Coming to the end of 2010, is an appropriate moment to glance at the trend of 2011. Not just clothing, hair color trends is important to note especially for you who like mutually hair color. Before changing hair color, color know what this is predicted to be a favorite in 2011.

In the show "Makarizo, Cut & Color Outlook for 2011", Thursday, November 25, 2011 at The Hall, Senayan City, Jakarta, according to a team of hair stylists, beauty industry and customer choice, hair color trends in 2011 was dominated by warm colors and cold.

For example, cool colors ash and violet. Second color is the color most suitable for Asian women's skin. This color is suitable for you who want to be different but not too extreme, because the color does tend to 'safe'.

However, if you want to give the impression section, just add a bright accent color highlights. Make sure the appropriate color to make it look harmonious. With the highlights, hair when exposed to light reflection, will see a different color and hair look more beautiful.

Then a warm color that is predicted to be the trend is the color gold, copper, natural red. Color can give the impression of cheerful, fresh, confident and sexy. Suitable for you who dare to be different.

"Purplish red color is also very fitting for a calm person. When exposed to light reflection, shades of purple will be seen. The combination of colors is suitable for having white skin," said Gianluca Montebello, Italian hairdresser.

Whatever the color trends make sure you adjust them with skin color. Do not hesitate to consult a hair stylist to get the color that best fit.

Obama Save the two Turkeys From Butcher

Two chickens turkeys in the United States can continue to crow satisfied them, after the survivors of the butcher's knife. The savior is not just anyone. He is one of the most powerful man on earth: President Barack Obama.

According to the daily pages of The New York Post, Obama held a "forgiveness" for the two male turkeys, that Apple and Cider at the White House on Wednesday local time, or a day ahead of Thanksgiving Day celebrations. They both would be guaranteed not to be slaughtered for the celebration of Thanksgiving delicacies, which this year took place Thursday, November 25, 2010.

"This is one of the most important task for me as president," joked Obama, as quoted by CBS News television station, while stroking one of the turkey. In the event of forgiveness, Obama was accompanied by her daughters, Sasha and Malia.

As a result, the turkey's tail could have stayed quietly in their cages at the Mount Vernon until the end of life. However, fellow Apple and Cider less fortunate. They remain a family meal along with Obama and most Americans.

Thanksgiving is a day of celebration after the harvest. This is to remind that the U.S. was once an agricultural country. On 26 November 1941, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, signed legislation that formally set the fourth Thursday of each November as the Thanksgiving holiday.

Kamis, 25 November 2010

Arumi Bachsin, Profil & Biodata

Name : Arumi Bachsin
Birth date : Jakarta, 19 Februari 1994
Occupation : Indonesian Female Actress, Model, Presenter
Active : 2007 – present
Parents : Rudy Bachsin and Maria Lilian Pesch

Arumi Bachsin Programs :
* Music Presenter HIP HIP HURA

Education :
* SMP Tirta Buaran
* SMA Homeschooling

Arumi Bachsin who dreams of becoming a psychologist have a pretty good achievement during school. When she in junior high school he entered the acceleration class in Tirta Buaran School. However, when She was in high school, Arumi chooses homeschooling program to overcome the solid shooting schedule.

Arumi start a career since the age of 12 years starting from the modeling world in 2006. One photographer said that Arumi is, “One of the most beautiful model I’ve ever meet,”. Year 2007 Arumi never a issue of Cosmo Girl magazine cover in February, 2007. She has also been a model of hair beauty products ‘Elith and Miraton’.

On 10 May 2010, reported that Arumi run away from home and report to the National Commission on Children and said that she had been exploited by both parents.

Web :

Advertisement :
* Fujifilm
* Biore
* Emeron
* Soklin
* Kartu As Telkomsel

Arumi Bachsin Filmografy :

* “Bestfriend?” (2008)
* “Pocong Jalan Blora” (2009)
* “Putih Abu-Abu dan Sepatu Kets” (2009)
* “18+” (2010)
* “Not For Sale” (2010)
* “Persona Cinta Biasa” (2010)
* “3 Hati Dua Dunia, Satu Cinta” (2010)

Arumi Bachsin Sinetron :
* Azizah
* Kawin Muda
* Chelsea
* Dia Bukan Cinderella
* Karissa
* Sumpah I Luv U
* Cintaku
* Dia Bukan Anakku

Rabu, 24 November 2010

Maria Ozawa "Miyabi" Main Di Indonesia Naik Delman

A lot of controversy about the arrival of Maria Ozawa or commonly called "Miyabi". to Indonesia. There are some that support it denounced come to Indonesia, as the audience comments following news:

"Hahaha .. on missed yaaa?? Animashaun hell attitude lo all! Udah rich most bener aja lo on.'s Turn already filmed boasting dah lo.
Self-correction each wrote was before judging other people ugly ... Sister Maria Ozawa is also contributing in promoting the film Indonesia loh! and NOT FILM BOKEP! A blue movie brain thinkers GROSS! "

"Go on the straight ... please ... a winding monggo,,, correction of personal masing2 evaluation n,,,"

"Ajh new disaster hit Indonesia.
already started to want to sin, instead of a little reflection .. "

Miyabi or Maria Ozawa's visit to Indonesia in October 2010. Mixed-blood women of Japan and Canada had come to their homeland to carry out filming the movie 'Ghost Land coachman'. In one scene, Miyabi fun wagon ride. Let's ride again voyeur Miyabi gig...

Miller, Former Girlfriend Meet Arumi In Singapore

Miller has denied the cause blurred Arumi Bachsin from home, but Miller admitted Arumi met in Singapore.

"If I meet him in Singapore, it's true. In fact, Miller, who helped Arumi. Just think, if there is a guy one room with a new woman is known," said assistant Miller, Roni, met at the Miller residence in the area of East Setiabudi, Jakarta, Tuesday (23 / 11 / 2010) night.

Roni denied Miller's departure to Singapore has been planned and deliberate to meet the movie star's Not for Sale.

"About three weeks ago, Miller is in Singapore for some business, all visa. Continue Arumi phone for help. So, all coincidence," he said.

For the sake of his word, promising Roni Miller will clarify all the accusations addressed to him Arumi family. However, he has not been able to confirm the time because Miller was busy filming.

"Later, Miller would say really. But do not know when, because now he's more willing to focus on playing the film and filming in the area of South Jakarta," he explained. Arumi KPAI escape to the office on October 23, 2010 night. To KPAI, Not For Sale star admitted to an arranged marriage by Maria. In arranged marriages, the Arumi forced Mary to accompany him on holiday to Singapore alone.

On arrival in Singapore, the man booked a hotel room to be occupied together with Arumi. Without further ado, the man kissed Arumi. Not happy to have indecent treatment, Arumi contacted Miller, who was living in Singapore.

Miller came to the hotel and save the actress was 18. Then, Arumi and entrepreneurs were returning to Jakarta. But instead of sent home parents, Arumi again taken to a hotel.

Arumi have a reason to deceive employers that by letting her buy something outside the hotel. Immediately also, Arumi escape by pretending to use a hat, jacket, and sunglasses. The actress who was barely 18-year-old was walking towards the office KPAI.
According, until now, Arumi in KPAI protection.

Selasa, 23 November 2010

Hunch, Lady Gaga Miss. AMA

For the Little Monsters (fans of Lady Gaga), perhaps the American Music Award 2010 a little disappointing. Because the GAGA just successfully won the awards for Best Pop Female only, whereas usually GaGa always dominate awards events.

Plus, the predicate Artist of the Year won by Justin Bieber, who had been 'compete' with it in a variety of awards and in terms of popularity.

Lady GaGa own claim to have got a bad feeling that night that 'not too successful' this. In the morning, GAGA dropped her false eyelashes, and accidentally, this eyelash 'nyemplung' into his coffee.

"What a morning that 'promise' when your eyelashes fall into Folgers (coffee)," wrote GAGA in Twitter account.

Is it really that this feeling is not present in the AMA GAGA?

Harry Potter Break Box Office Records

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1 make a new record. Seventh series of stories little witch JK Rowling is earned revenues of U.S. $ 125.1 million or around Rp 1.1 trillion since the launch until the first weekend.

Figures fantastic series that broke the record previously held their Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in 2005 amounted to Rp 918 billion. Deathly Hallows is also listed as the sixth best-selling new film, which won the biggest first week revenues of all time. Under the Iron Man 2, which last May earned Rp 1.15 trillion.

Deathly Hallows exceeds its estimated revenue observers predict this film earned Rp 879 billion in the first three days.

Deathly Hallows was launched last Thursday night in the United States at once in 3700 theaters. In Indonesia, the latest Harry Potter series can be dinikmai since last Friday. Various cinemas provide more than one studio for this movie. As Castle XXI that broadcast Deathly Hallows at five studios, leaving only three studios for another movie.

The film made by David Yates is easily shifts from the top of the stairs animated Megamind alias box office grossing films. After three weeks, Megamind, which tells of an alien as a superhero ridiculous, gather around Rp 980.5 billion.

Senin, 22 November 2010

Last Series Of Harry Potter's Story

Been waiting for finally arrived. Last series of Harry Potter's story now can we see in cinema. Since the plot intricate and long, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows split into two movies. The film will both be released exactly a year after Part I aired.

Harry Potter is one of a series of fantasy novels by J. K. Rowling from England about a boy named Harry Potter. Since the first release of this novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone in 1997 in England, this book has gained fame and commercial success worldwide, made into a film, video games, and variety of merchandise.

The background story is mostly located at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and centers on Harry Potter's fight against the evil wizard Lord Voldemort, who uses the Dark Arts to kill Harry's parents.

All of Rowling's planned seven books in the series this novel has been published. The sixth book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince the original English version was published on July 16, 2005, while the seventh book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released worldwide on July 21, 2007 (Indonesian translation version was published on January 13, 2008). The first six books in the series as a whole this novel has sold more than 325 million copies and been translated into more than 63 languages.

The success of his novels, Rowling has become the richest writer in literary history. The original versions in English, published by Bloomsbury in the United Kingdom, Scholastic Press in the United States, Allen & Unwin in Australia, and Raincoast Books in Canada. Indonesian version published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

The first five books have been made into a film by Warner Bros. big screen. and gain great success. The fifth film, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, began in February 2006 were photographed, and released on July 11, 2007 in the United States. The sixth movie, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, released on July 15, 2009.

Inaugural Session of Ariel Porn Video

Court held in Bandung, the inaugural session of Ariel porn video case finally held. The trial was held closed, but dozens of journalists, security guards, supporters, and protesters, faithful waiting in front of the courthouse until the trial ended.

Former vocalist of Peterpan Nazriel Irham or known by Ariel Peterpan will undergo trial in the District Court of prime Class 1A Bandung, West Java, on Monday (22/11). Ariel dealing with the law after scene mesumnya circulated widely with a number of artists in society.

Ariel arrived in Bandung District Court, at 07.30 pm with the maintenance of strict police officer. Having arrived, vocalist Peter was immediately taken to a detention room.

Not long ago, a lawyer Ariel, OC Kaligis, arrived. Also attended the beloved Luna Maya in the trial which was opened by the Chief Justice and Attorney Rohayati Sigi.

Since the case is rolling, pros-cons continue to emerge. Some support the Ariel, but no less critical of Ariel deeds in the video. Moreover, word got out, other than the artist Luna Maya and Cut Tari, there are other videos with different artists.

Different opinions among the public against Ariel case is considered normal. However, they asked the judges to uphold truth and justice in that case. Liputan

Minggu, 21 November 2010

Photo Hot Paha Artist Melinda

Melinda, was one of dangdut singer who is also an Indonesian artist. Some of the soap opera he ever play is "Eclipse, tuyul Millennium, Safekeeping Divine, celebrity I'm in Love, Babe Doyan Married, Laughter afternoon, Kok Gitu sich, Beauty and The Patas Bus, Abdel and Temon, and Lady Jet Set Astro" broadcast in Malaysia and Singapore.

One of Melinda accomplishments as a singer dangdut, massive SUCCEED selected as ambassadors in the sector in 2008 then.

Early November 2009, Melinda, BECAUSE HE called, a new released single, Love One Night, uh That was taken from the sixth album. Kali's husband bringing home massive dangdut genre, genre Husband Because He thinks the New Media more identical young.

From the singing, the Frequently husband's name will appear Melinda World glance Start acting. He got a chance to test the ability of film acting Kuntilanak Canada.

Success brings dangdut music genre, Melinda Want to now switch to the pop music channel. The reason for ITU regular regular step no other genre massive because to see it as a challenge The New singer idolized singer Ruth and Vina Panduwinata.

Kamis, 04 November 2010

Emma Watson News Photos Topless, Laughing While Kissing Scene

The actress who starred in the Harry Potter films, Emma Watson, calling his lawyer to respond to a nude photo circulating on the internet. According to a spokesman for Watson, a false picture.

Watson photos circulating on various Internet sites including the In the photo, seen pictures naked woman with the head of Watson.

According to a spokesman for Watson, photographs are the result of engineering with a computer.

"If you look at the picture, his head is too big for his body (much too big!). And his head is unlikely to move like that if his body in that position," said a spokeswoman for Watson told The Sun.

In the play the movie, Emma Watson admitted nervous when I had to do the kissing scene with co-star in the movie 'Harry Potter', Rupert Grint. He claimed could not stop holding her laughter when doing the kissing scene.

In the film which tells about the magic that, Watson and Grint who plays Ron and Hermione had to do kissing scenes in the filming of 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'. He claimed they were making out scene that requires it to be very strange situation.

"We have problems because the laughs continue. We both laughed. We can not be serious," Watson said as quoted by Showbizspy, Wednesday, November 3, 2010.

From his role in the film, Watson became a millionaire. Its revenue during the nine years of starring in the film is around 20 million pounds. He claimed to know the amount of shock when the money is. Watson was also confused and have no idea what he will use the money.

World's Top Artists entangled Porn Scandal Case

Artist does not get away from the media. Kim Kadarshian inexhaustible created a sensation. For an upcoming issue of magazine 'W', this beautiful artist will return horrendous world of entertainment with a pose naked on the cover of magazines.

That was Kim, not only in magazines, on TV, internet, and in some event, this sexy woman has always been news. In fact, he had become the world's hottest conversation, because porn video sex scandal that trick.

Not only Kim, there are a number of other celebrities who allegedly had pornographic videos that spread to the public. Who are they?

1. Kim Kardashian and Ray J
Life proves, if you are already a socialite who you need to become famous is a video recording of the scene 'hot'.

Before there was 'Keeping Up With Kardashians' - a reality show in America, Kim's store the other surprising things. Prior to his name sticking out, in 2007 the video "hot" between Kim and her boyfriend at the time, Ray J, R & B singer Brandy's Brother, scattered. Strangely, there is news stating, Kim finally has an agreement to pay U.S. $ 5 million with Vivid Entertainment, to distribute the video.

2. Paris Hilton and Rick Salomon
This film makes millions of people want to spend '1 Night in Paris', which is also the title of the tape. Many people download the videos that were recorded in 2004 was to witness Paris posing 'hot' in front of his girlfriend at that time, Rick Salomon. Some of the hottest scenes still just a fun conversation, especially among men, to the present.

3. Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee
This is a sex tape is quite popular all over the world. Honeymoon filmed sexual activity while on a private yacht is a romantic way. However, the video should be stored in a secret place. So, you will not experience things that happen to couples who married this twice (in 1995 and 1998). When there are thieves broke into the couple's house, the thieves do not forget the 'valuables' this. Shortly thereafter, a DVD containing these lovebirds sex tape spread throughout the world.

4. Pamela Anderson and Bret Michaels
Before making a sex video with Tommy, was an actress who was familiarly called Pam has also been doing the same thing as having an affair with Bret Michaels. What's interesting about these videos are made when they were young, and surrounded by drugs. Reportedly, the tape was seen both of them were drunk.

Senin, 01 November 2010

Kate Moss Topless Photos on the Beach Together Girlfriend

News of celebrity has always been a concern to many people, especially news that a little "skewed". Kate Moss apparently one of the most common models show off her body. Recently, she posed topless with her boyfriend Jamie Hince, guitarist for the band The Kills.

As reported by The Sun, last month, Kate Moss with Jamie flew to St. Louis. Barts, the Caribbean for a magazine photo shoot melakoni fasyen. In one photograph, the British model was seen showing off his chest in front of the camera, while, she seemed to play sand in her stomach.

Kate dating news with Jamie has been circulating since March 2008. However, until recently, Kate who was dating Pete Doherty, always silent about its relationship with Jamie.

Rounding out Kate, recently, a British model that has just stricken. Her house in London disatroni thief. She also reportedly suffered losses of U.S. $ 360 thousand or approximately USD 3.3 billion.

The loss is suffered because there are three objects of art are stolen the thief. The thieves entered her house on Thursday ... early days.

Mount Merapi Erupts, Mbah Maridjan Died

No stopping - stopping Indonesia hit by the disaster. Disaster Merapi volcano erupts take casualties and one of them is the key to trim the jury Ki Surakso Hargo or better known as Mbah Maridjan, the death mbah Marijan contain grief and curiosity as well as Mbah Maridjan died in a prostrate position.

In the funeral Mbah Marijan Sri Sultan HB X King sultan's palace, sending his sister and her eldest daughter GBPH Prabukusumo GKR Pembayun to attend the funeral Mbah Marijan, a palace servant who until his death served as caretaker of Merapi. Mbah Marijan funeral procession itself lasted a simple, yet attended by some 1,000 mourners.

Gusti Prabu in response stated that the cemetery is back Kraton also berbelasungkawa upper left Mbah Marijan. ''He is so faithful to keep the mandate of the palace to keep the culture palace on the slopes of Merapi to the end of his life,''said Gustavo King.

Mbah Marijan Srunen was buried Thursday in Hamlet, Village Glagahharjo, Cangkringan. Mbah Marijan family ancestry and common indeed buried there, including grandparents Mbah Marijan named Parto Setiko.

Mbah Marijan four relatives who were also killed on Monday the Merapi eruption also buried in the TPU Srunen it. They are Ngudi (brother-in-law Mbah Marijan), Nurudi (Ngudi deceased child), and Mursiam and Nurul (toddlers age 2.5 years).

Wife Mbah Marijan, Ponirah (73 years) attended the funeral of her husband this. In addition to the family, it appears also present Sleman Regent Sri Purnomo. A prominent NU in Sleman, Noor Jamil, when the funeral procession Mbah Maridjan, invites the entire audience praying for all victims of Mount Merapi.

Menopo''Mbah Marijan niku tiyang sae? (Is it Mbah Maridjan good people?)''Said Noor Jamil, asked the audience of mourners. Sae'',''about the same congregation of mourners give the answer.

Before the funeral Mbah Marijan, 20 bodies of other victims buried in mass Merapi in TPU Sidorejo Hamlet, Village Umbulharjo, District Cangkringan. The funeral was led directly Regent Sri Purnomo. The bodies included a large tomb in a rut. Then the bodies are already included in the coffin was placed in a row two.

In the cemetery was given the names of deceased marker. ''We're all grieving over this disaster. Hopefully this incident to be a student and the future worth of Mount Merapi disaster management could be better,''said Regent of Sleman.

They are buried in bulk is Sarno Utomo, Imam Nurkholis, Slamet Widodo, Priest / Rahmat, Mrs Emi, Ny Mufita, Andriyanto, Cipto Sumarjo, Cipto Sumarjo, Ny Sunarti aka Yunarti, Ny Sarworejo, Wiyono, Ny Pujo, Muji / Adi Wiyono , and Harno Wiyono, Sugiman, Sadjiman, Mrs. Puji Sarono, Wahono Suketi, and Suranto.