Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Foto Hot Anak SMP

Many observers say, more than 50% girls in the big cities in Indonesia is not a virgin anymore. It is caused because of interactions of children today are too free for them to do so resulted in the incorrect lane. Others say their promiscuity caused...
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Foto Hot Agnes Monica

Agnes Monica BugilAgnetha Faltskog Nude In ... ... ...! Agnes Monica Bugil photography Fun In Bathroom, have never There Agnetha Faltskog Nude Photos On The Internet outstanding ...Agnes Monica Bugil, Bugil Bunga Citra Lestari is the key word ...Agnes...
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Maria Ozawa Main di Menculik Miyabi

Kidnap movie maria ozawa Miyabi latest film in Indonesia? rumors about maria ozawa aka miyabi porn star beautiful artist is this? yahh iyalah beautiful if not how can there be an idol in his country again porn movie? about Maria ozawa Miyabi Main Film...
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Istri BJ Habibie, Ainun Habibie Meninggal Dunia

Mother Dies Hasri Ainun Habibie, Indonesia once again grieving after the famous astrologer Maestro Mama Lauren died and now Death Kroncong Gesang Indonesia lost former first lady Ainun Habibie, who died at 17:30 pm German time or at about 22:30 pm Indonesian...
READ MORE - Istri BJ Habibie, Ainun Habibie Meninggal Dunia

Meninggalnya Seorang Peramal Hebat, Mama Lauren

Jakarta - The latest news comes from the world of celebrity that is Mama Lauren. Mama Lauren died, a great oracle also a mother who is 78 years old passed away to the Creator yesterday night at 21:39 pm (17 May 2010). Mama Lauren's recent health condition...
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Jumat, 21 Mei 2010


The art world are mourning Indesia, Maestro Kroncong Gesang last breath at the age of 92 years Thursday (20 / 5) at 18:10 pm. Gesang previously treated in the Eden space PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Solo. Starting Sunday (16 / 5) was transferred to the...

Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Cerita Akhir Meninggalnya Gesang

SOLO - Gesang Martohartono died at approximately 18:07 pm, Gesang had previously hospitalized since Tuesday, May 12 until this afternoon breathed his last.Members of the team physician Dr. RS PKU Solo Sujadi explained that besides the age factor, Gesang...
READ MORE - Cerita Akhir Meninggalnya Gesang