Artis Indonesia, Nikita Mirzani could make a scene because the her photos syur circulating in cyberspace some time ago. And recently, spread also pictures naughty Nikita who was posing with comedian Mini Dice. In the photo, she touched the chest described by Daus. The photos were naughty they are still a warm conversation since spread across the internet.
When Daus asked about the news circulating these naughty photos, husband of Sustainable Yunita reluctant to say much. Including when asked, how the process made the photo.
"I do not want to comment about the photo, yes, let alone the process for him, I just want to say I keganggu kesebarnya once with the photograph, I hurt," said Daus Mini, met at Trimar Production, Area Tevet, Monday, January 16, 2012.
The existence of the photo, so make Daus disappointed. But he, unwilling to take legal action to bring an action picture. "I do not want to like it, I was tired, the photo alone is disturbing me and my wife, my wife complained that photo spread, she just gave birth yesterday," Daus said.
Dice claiming to know who is spreading the photos. "I know who penyebarnya, and what the purpose of the photo spread, but I know it," Daus said.
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