Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Aida deliberately spit Shame By Popularity?

The news that had rocked the world of Indonesian artist, Aida Saskia, his life is now changed. Since the dismantling disgrace raped Zainuddin MZ, dangdut singer became a movie star. Even so, Aida raped was denied recognition by mere popularity.

"I still care about baseball people would say. The purpose of me when I first opened this problem has also been accused of not looking for popularity. So I still have regular practically always looking for controversy, "said Aida.

Pedangdut who started the careers of these teens argued, her pick the talent and kemampuang acting. Not only rely on popularity alone.

"I can play movies and can offer because I really can act. I also have to go through the process of casting, together with the other. There is no privilege for me. If I had talent in acting baseball, baseball might have offered me acting, "he explained.

For Aida, the pros and cons in the community do not have to mess around because she can not force people to always give a positive assessment.

"I also baseball can keep thinking about people's opinions. The important thing is I now want to live comfortably and quietly with what must I live. That alone is enough. Now I want to get up. I want tunjukin to everyone if I diff the same old me. I also want to prove to my parents, I could get up from the past, "he said.

Ariel Want Repent

Ariel's desire to repent get a response from the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Bandung. But if Ariel does not repent, it will be 'destroyed'. Chairman of the Shura Council of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Bandung, KH Hilman Firdaus said, if it is true Ariel wanted to repent, FPI ensure the safety of Ariel in Bandung. And it seems Ariel true intentions - right from his heart because it was seen to pray berjam'ah, like those in the news some time ago.

Although legal proceedings Ariel convicted, Hilman said, he still can live in Bandung, if indeed repent.
"I want to assure whether Ariel truly repent. If it can not be constructed, meaning that no repentance, yes destroyed. In that sense should not be living in Bandung, "said Hilman.
Suspect cases of pornographic videos, Nazriel Irham aka Ariel detained in Detention (Rutan) Jakarta Jalan Kebon Waru, after the case file submitted to the State Attorney Bandung, Wednesday, October 20, 2010. In Rutan Kebon Waru, Ariel is placed in Block B. He mingled with other prisoners while awaiting trial.

Ariel moved to Bandung by investigators Criminal Investigation Police Headquarters, after the Attorney General stating his case file has been incomplete. Based delicity locus, the scene was in Bandung. Ariel and the other suspects allegedly Redjoy aka Reza Rizaldy has doubled and spread the video contains scenes.

Ariel will be on trial not because of the video players immoral. To vocalist Peter bears the charges of article 29 of Law No. 44 of 2008 on Pornography jo article 56 of the Criminal Code, article 27 paragraph 1 of Act No. 11 of 2008 on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE) in conjunction with article 56 of the Criminal Code, and Article 282 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code jo article 35 Law No. 44 of 2008 on Pornography.

Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010

The Astrologer Paul Octopus Has Died

This news will shock millions of people around the world. Octopus Paul who already predict the exact outcome of eight games at the World Cup this year, has gone.

Through a statement posted online Spiegel English version, the Sea Life Centre in Oberhausen, Germany, said Paul died peacefully in her sleep, on Tuesday. Management and staff of the Aquarium Sea Life Oberhausen deeply grieved when he learned Paul was dead this morning, it was a statement from the aquarium.

An octopus that had captured world attention because it is apt to choose the winner of every World Cup match Germany when the teams play. The octopus, known as Paul the Astrologer, has determined the choice at the World Cup final. He had predicted that Spain would bring the World Cup title. Eight-legged creatures that ignore the box of shells display the Dutch flag, and chose to eat shellfish from the Spanish flag display box.

Paul's reputation as a predictor of this year's World Cup match amazing, because it is apt to pick a winner every game that followed the German teams, including their 0-1 defeat against Spain in the semifinals.

Immediately after the defeat of Tim "Panzer" in the semi-final match against Team Matador, many German supporters who condemned the upset and disappointed Paul, even many that were demanding "death sentence" for the Astrologer. Some comments on Facebook and Twitter suggested that Paul "fried, grilled, or used as a salad course." Some of the others, wants Paul dumped into the sea, eat fish for sharks.

But now is not there anymore because of the fortune-teller octopus had died peacefully. Who else is going to be the successor of the octopus?

Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

Foto Hot Artis Cantik Wiwid Gunawan

Wiwid Gunawan, an artist who became famous through the Marriage Contract films now circulating photographs of nude or sexually arousing her Whit. While similar confirmation, Wiwid only gives info that it is work to bandung nan this crezy emang only.

Beautiful girl who got there picture sexy sexy denied that he was labeled, but still reasonable limits Nudity. It may not be true or not part of photographs similar to the noble but it has been clarified Wiwid sexy pictures attached to it and he's probably male fantasy.

Wiwid Gunawan Entertaint began his career in the world as a model. A girl's full name Rujuniarti Sapta Pertiwi was born June 12, 1982 became known publicly after a role in the soap opera Cinderella. His name is getting stuck after a role in the movie Wedding Contract.

Some time ago her name so the conversation after he sexually arousing photographs circulating on the Internet. But do not expect to find a picture like that here, because this blog was not blog naked.

Popular Name: Wiwid Gunawan
Original name: Rujuniarti Sapta Pertiwi
TTL: Bandung, June 12, 1982
Zodiac: Cancer
Education: S1, Padjadjaran University in Bandung Management
- Cinderella (Sinetron)
- Marriage Contract (2008)
- Pulau Hantu 2 (2008)

Perkelahian Siswi Sekolah Menengah

Just weird behavior of children today. There is little problem with mutual friends at the finish, kick, and slam. That fight two students in the field of General Sudirman, Takalar, South Sulawesi, which recorded via mobile phone camera. Instead of immediately intervene, a number of other students actually fun to watch the fight, including elementary school students. The fight ended after a few people that separated the two girls.

In the video, obviously not the school name printed on both female student uniform. However, allegedly one of the two vocational school students in Takalar. Video fight was now scattered among the students. Generally, the students lamented the student's actions. "It has no morals, no shame being seen," said Wahida, one student, Thursday (21/10).

Then how the attitude of the school "We're going to browse. We call her parents," said Vice Principal SMK 2 Takalar Nasrul.

Until now, the cause of the fight was not yet known. However, whatever the motive for the fight, the school will crack down and penalize them. From Liputan6.com

Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

Mulan Jamela Hamil, Ahmad Dhani Bungkam

Blantika hottest entertainment news in Indonesia, appears gossip Ahmad Dhani Mulan Jameela impregnate. Unfortunately, the boss of the Republic of Love Management is not willing to respond to the hot gossip.

After appearing at an event at Studio Penta, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Wednesday (10/20/2010) afternoon, Dhani directly running quickly left the crowd of reporters. Dhani who then use a black shirt goes straight into the car Alphard Black bernopol B 1 RCR.

From inside the car, he only said briefly, "Later yes."
Since last week, rumors of Mulan was pregnant. Dhani's name was mentioned as the culprit. In fact, gossip is not too surprising. The reason, Dhani and Mulan has since married a few years ago was rumored to siri.

In fact, he said Mulan is a third party in a divorce Maia Dhani Estianty. reportedly, and Dhani Mulan secretly already married siri in Surabaya. But until now, the news was still a rumor. Not yet proven true.

Anang-Syahrini Most Popular Duet

Anand duet with gossip about who is currently Syahrini thrilling entertainment world in Indonesia. Both began a duet after officially divorced from Krisdayanti Anang. Phenomenal Anand Duet with Syahrini give new color on the Indonesian music industry, because their romance on stage to inspire other musicians to duet with her partner.

Although they seem to have always been cordial in every appearance, but they claimed not to have a special relationship. The involvement of the bond between them was limited to professional work and friendship. But that perkatan their first time and now I also have not mengetaui for sure buddy.

Duet is the most classy in Indonesia over the last few years. The song disenandungkan many people, appearance is also eagerly awaited. Anand and Syahrini duet.

Anand and Syahrini also looks more compact and intimate on-stage. Is this also true intimacy when they 'out' stage?

"I do not ever change the character of mas Anang. If the duo do indeed have a compact, if not intimate to delight viewers okay. But if you back to reality so common anymore. After all I am single and mas Anang also single. Nearness in terms of collaboration I think the fair, "said Syahrini.

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

Child Rape In Bali

This incident happened a few months yesterday, It's pathetic STIKES Child rape incident in Bali, in addition to being raped in killed and robbed of all, I hope the perpetrators quickly caught .....!! What's in the brain of the perpetrator yach ...?? not channeled lust? or gara - gara videos junior high school children or indeed a depraved moral!
Here's the story gan, as in tell chuckysharpeye.co.cc:

Victim named Dewa Agung Ayu Diah Cahyani (18 yrs), was found dead in a room with naked condition kostnya, before being killed the victim was also raped by the offender.

Already known to the victim's body stiff and covered in blood in the room kostnya. Strong suspicion, the daughter of Dewa Gede Suparta Kadisperindag Bangli is killed and then robbed. Because, HP and motor Honda Supra 125 species belong to the victim disappeared. There has been no official statement from the police-related cases this victim's death. Kapoltabes Denpasar Police chief Sr. Comr. Suryanbodo Asmoro and Kapolsek Densel Leo Martin Pasaribu AKP and its ranks are still busy doing the identification at the scene. The identification process was continued until night, and the victim's body was rushed to hospital Sanglah.

Information collected at the crime scene, the victim who went to Bali Stikes was first discovered by her uncle, Lord Anom Sayuga. Anom Sayuga got a call from the victim's father and asked to check on the victim at his boarding house. For, since the morning the victim got a call but not active.

Once arrived at the scene, Anom Sayuga straight to the room the victims whose position in the middle. Witnesses were calling out the name of the victim several times, but no answers. Witnesses felt there was something strange related whereabouts. Lock the door padlocked from the outside, but witnesses believe there are people outside.

Knowing his nephew were killed, witnesses immediately reported to the Police Densel (South Denpasar). Under the command of Leo Pasaribu Kapolsek PPA, several members Buser, National Police drove to the scene. They immediately do the crime scene and examine the witnesses. Known, the neck to the right of victims still stuck a knife. In fact, the knife penetrating. Victim's blood spilled on the mattress. In addition, the victim was also in naked condition.

Not only family members of victims, as well as close relatives of the victims burst into tears knowing that the victim's death was so sadistic. One of the close relatives of victims, Putu Beautiful oktaviani, deeply lost. Since high school, Belle oktaviani is a close friend. Even more distressing, said Beau oktaviani, he could escort the victim to buy socks at the mall. After purchasing socks, they arrived at the dorm at 22:00 wita.Keesokan day, Belle oktaviani contact victims at 09.00 pm. Although disconnected, but the victim did not answer the phone. Subsequently, he re-contact phone numbers the victim. This time, his phone instead be rejected.