Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Jaycee Dugard, 18 Year Imprisoned And Raped

During the 18 years, Jaycee Dugard lives in sekapan kidnappers. He must serve his lust napsu bing if you do not want to be tortured. He became a slave to overcome sexual problems bing.

The story was revealed in detail in the document the victim's testimony, as reported by the Reno Gazette-Journal, which reported http://dunia.vivanews.com.

The testimony was made ​​El Dorado County, United States, sentenced to 431 years of the bing, Phillip Garrido, 60. While his wife Nancy Garrido, 55, received 36 years prison sentence, in the same case.

Dugard said the rape that happened not infrequently performed in front of the camera. Occurred over the years, more than once a week. However, the frequency began to decrease to two or three months, after Dugard had her first child in 1994.

The bing stop sexual violence after Dugard have a second child in 1997. Of sexual violence, Dugard, who is now 31-year-old has two children. "He (bing) seems to know I was very frightened pregnant again," Dugard said.

"She said that she just could not resist, but he's really trying to stop it all. And then I got pregnant. That was his last have sex with me, when I was pregnant with her second," Dugard said.

Dugard was kidnapped while walking to the bus stop near his home, California, 1991. A car suddenly approached and tried to pull someone from the inside. While trying to escape, he was stung by a stun gun. He was limp and gagged under a blanket in the car.

"I was very scared. The first few months, he always wore a stun gun to threaten me if I do not want to follow his request," he said.

Dugard just been released from sekapan in August 2009. He was found with two children in an old building, not far from the residence of the couple penyekapnya, at Antioch, 64 miles northeast of San Francisco.

Now, Dugard has completed a memoir about the ordeal that made ​​his life taken away for 18 years. This memoir is scheduled to be released in mid-July.