Jumat, 29 April 2011

Kate Middleton Profil

Catherine Elizabeth "Kate" Middleton, or commonly called by the name of Kate Middleton began in the public know when he's special relationship with prince william.

Prince William Profile

William Arthur Philip Louis or commonly called Prince William was born on June 21, 1982 in Paddington, West London, England.

Marriage Prince William With Kate Middleton

The world witnessed the marriage of Prince William with Kate Middleton from Westminster Abbey, London, England. You can watch coverage direct.

Rabu, 20 April 2011

Irfan Bachdim Main Film Tendangan Dari Langit

A kick From the Sky The Movie - Cast origin Persema poor club and national team striker also Indonesia Irfan Bachdim now spread its wings into the world of Indonesian films. After Cristian Gonzalez Naturalization players took part in the soap opera aired pursue Islamic identity cards, now Irfan Bachdim akanmembintangi movie Kicking From Heaven The Movie. Irfan Film Bachdim nostalgia that will treat fans to the players that their idol.

Celana Dalam Dan G-String Olla Ramlan Kelihatan

Looks Ramlan Knickers Olla - Olla Ramlan not surprising that now much sought netter in cyberspace because the wet-basahan action on the anniversary of the television show but was later led Olla Strikes Private Ramlan visible underwear unintentionally. Olla Ramlan use underwear G-String model that looks almost 5 seconds duration. this is certainly intriguing to viewers who want to see it again.

Franky Sahilatua Meninggal Karena Sakit

Franky Sahilatua Died is the latest news where that franky is the singer died of cancer pain of bone marrow from the back and died at 15:35 hours at the hospital Medika Permata Hijau in Jalan Raya Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Barat.

Kamis, 14 April 2011

Ahmad Dhani Tentang Pernikahannya

When asked about the gossip in her marriage with Ahmad Dhani Mulan Jameela he was always silent. She wants her marriage remain a mystery to anyone. For Dhani, marriage is not the happy news that must be shared to everyone.

Mulan Jamela Berjilbab Usai Lahiran

A change in appearance and attitude of Mulan Jameela also felt residents in the vicinity of his residence. Even the appearance of the owner of the name Raden Terry Tantri Wulansari looks more Islamic.

Mulan Jamela Telah Melahirkan

Many have reported either print or television media and also in the virtual world to preach that Mulan has spawned. And the news has spawned Mulan's mother also confirmed by one of the doctors at Pondok Indah Hospital (RSPI).

Minggu, 10 April 2011

SPG Hot (Sales promotion Girl)

Sales Promotion Girls will help your company to : Presentation, launching product, soft/grand opening, photo session, gathering, TV program, TV Commercial, video clip, celebration, conferences, meeting, seminar, fashion show, exhibition and other event. you can find many SPG, sales promotion girls agency in indonesia.

Kamis, 07 April 2011

Foto Melinda Dee Cewek Seksi Pembobol Citybank

A news that is being discussed this time is about the existence of a burglary of money 17 billion at Citibank who dilaukukan by a beautiful girl named Melinda Dee or often known by the name of the burglary suspects MD.Melinda a customer account citibank.Pastinya you all curious about the photo Melinda Dee or photos MD? 

Selly Yustiawati Si Penipu Yang Seksi Tertangkap

South Denpasar police managed to capture the Selly Yustiawati during a holiday with his girlfriend. They were arrested at the hotel the Amaris, Kuta, Bali.