Era of the 90s, he was recognized as the female artist who dares; hot with action that can inspire faith in man. But since the year 2001, his appearance changed darjah 360. Have expected a grandiose image of the body section of terpamer kerana what this woman is just a face and body that dihijabi by Muslim fashion.
This dimpled sweet artist decided he would forever wear the head veil. Whatever happens, stay firm with azamnya Inneke, mahu eternal hood. He believes bahawa hood must also be accompanied by changes in daily behavior.
This dimpled sweet artist decided he would forever wear the head veil. Whatever happens, stay firm with azamnya Inneke, mahu eternal hood. He believes bahawa hood must also be accompanied by changes in daily behavior.

Inneke mahu not considered to be covered but did not give an example to those who do not cover the aurat. Asked about the effect on kerjayanya, tasteless Inneke not afraid hindered provision kerana he believes God gave the provision.
According to him, his decision to cover the aurat is not caused by the will of fashion or other causes, but simply calls kerana hearts follow the way of Allah. While in the Tower of Saidah, where Inneke and several other artists during this study hold worship in the month of Ramadan, Inneke many heard lectures that made him more understanding of Islamic teachings.
His decision to emigrate sememang thing that is very surprising. It's that time kerana Inneke glories were at the height between the artist creates as a hot woman held sex bomb often appears in hot movies in Indonesia. More than 20 film titles DIB-intanginya. Women born in Jakarta, 13 Disember 1975 was the first time in a play in the silver screen when starring in the film Disco DJ (1990).
According to him, his decision to cover the aurat is not caused by the will of fashion or other causes, but simply calls kerana hearts follow the way of Allah. While in the Tower of Saidah, where Inneke and several other artists during this study hold worship in the month of Ramadan, Inneke many heard lectures that made him more understanding of Islamic teachings.
His decision to emigrate sememang thing that is very surprising. It's that time kerana Inneke glories were at the height between the artist creates as a hot woman held sex bomb often appears in hot movies in Indonesia. More than 20 film titles DIB-intanginya. Women born in Jakarta, 13 Disember 1975 was the first time in a play in the silver screen when starring in the film Disco DJ (1990).
Lakonannya increasingly becoming a girl when starring in the film Metropolis (1991) until the association Metropolis II (1995). But shortly afterwards, Inneke started taking serious watakwatak with soap opera star in "Silk Curtain" (1996), "Curtain torn Love" (1997), until Ramadan soap opera "you I kneel" (2001). Inneke began seriously studying acting from Citra Cup-winning actor, Alex Komang (1995) and Tio Pakusadewo (1991).
Changes in appearance seems to bring blessing to him. Thanks to a good role as a lawyer program "Q-fit" which aired during Ramadan and at a private televisyen stesen, Inneke mat won the Best Host cities Ramadan Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in 2002, beating two competitors are also well-known personality Indonesia namely Dewi Huges and Igo Ilham. From here, Inneke able to prove themselves want to do a total change.
See the photos now, far different from previous

Changes in appearance seems to bring blessing to him. Thanks to a good role as a lawyer program "Q-fit" which aired during Ramadan and at a private televisyen stesen, Inneke mat won the Best Host cities Ramadan Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in 2002, beating two competitors are also well-known personality Indonesia namely Dewi Huges and Igo Ilham. From here, Inneke able to prove themselves want to do a total change.
See the photos now, far different from previous