Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Foto Hot Anak SMP

Many observers say, more than 50% girls in the big cities in Indonesia is not a virgin anymore. It is caused because of interactions of children today are too free for them to do so resulted in the incorrect lane. Others say their promiscuity caused by a "broken home".

Look at one of these photos depicting their freedom in the association. The girl who had just been brave teenager was sexually arousing to appear in front of the camera. And whoever took these pictures clear that in a room, and what they do, you also must know?

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Maria Ozawa Main di Menculik Miyabi

Kidnap movie maria ozawa Miyabi latest film in Indonesia? rumors about maria ozawa aka miyabi porn star beautiful artist is this? yahh iyalah beautiful if not how can there be an idol in his country again porn movie? about Maria ozawa Miyabi Main Film Indonesia apparently true? where the plan is ready Miyabi Movie kidnap Maxima Picture released in late 2009.

Where the movie "kidnap Miyabi" will be starring and written manuscript by a famous blogger and author of a previously successful Dika Raditya through the film 'Goat Male' yah While performing as an artist Miyabi pendukungnya.di this film will serve as Raditya Dika Raffa. Because obsessed with Miyabi, he also intended to kidnap her.

According to the news that I read Miyabi kidnap movie story line is there are three students who were obsessed with cupu Japanese porn star, and when she got kidnapped was in Jakarta. But, funny thing because of different languages, Japan and Indonesia, so they do not connect. And plan, filming will take place after Lebaran. Miyabi itself certainly will come to Jakarta in October. He will be filming for a week in Jakarta.

In the movie kidnap Miyabi ozawa maria nude or jumped into not going to be nasty so who hope to see maria ozawa aka miyabi naked or naked is going to be disappointed:) ...

Istri BJ Habibie, Ainun Habibie Meninggal Dunia

Mother Dies Hasri Ainun Habibie, Indonesia once again grieving after the famous astrologer Maestro Mama Lauren died and now Death Kroncong Gesang Indonesia lost former first lady Ainun Habibie, who died at 17:30 pm German time or at about 22:30 pm Indonesian time.

Mother Ainun Habibie could lay in a hospital critical Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat, Klinikum Gro `hadern, Munich, Germany, before the family of former President Baharuddin Jusuf Habibie, was resigned to the conditions Hasri Ainun Habibie, who is very critical. Since at 06:00 or 12:00 pm German time, all the devices help him have been released.

Meninggalnya Seorang Peramal Hebat, Mama Lauren

Jakarta - The latest news comes from the world of celebrity that is Mama Lauren. Mama Lauren died, a great oracle also a mother who is 78 years old passed away to the Creator yesterday night at 21:39 pm (17 May 2010). Mama Lauren's recent health condition deteriorated, so that is expressed by the children of Mama Lauren Debi. Mama Lauren dies or died at the age of 78 years, maybe you just know that the age Mama Lauren has turned 78 years because he still looks fit. Mama Lauren will be buried on Tuesday, following is information about Mama Lauren ...

Mama Lauren was born in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, January 23, 1932. Descendant of Dutch women with name Laurentia was in Indonesia since 1953. Mama Lauren first got a whisper when he dibangku elementary school, when he told his teacher to get out of the room schoolhouse, but the teacher did not respond. Several days later the school was destroyed by a bomb (when the second world war), hundreds of people died in the incident. Please read the news about the story and other predictions in the article Mama Lauren Lauren mama died.

Jumat, 21 Mei 2010


The art world are mourning Indesia, Maestro Kroncong Gesang last breath at the age of 92 years Thursday (20 / 5) at 18:10 pm. Gesang previously treated in the Eden space PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Solo. Starting Sunday (16 / 5) was transferred to the ICU because the pain got worse.

Maestro keroncong Martohartono Gesang (1992) until Thursday (20 / 5) 13:00 o'clock am still being treated in the Intensive Care Unit of PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital in Solo. "Mr. Gesang Conditions are better now, been able to speak and can understand anyone who comes to visit her, than when it entered the ICU on Sunday (16 / 5), which at that time had not passed out. But until now there is no certainty of treating doctor to return to normal treatment room, "Hasanuddin said Santosa, nephew Gesang in the ICU room, Thursday afternoon.

Gesang who were treated in the ICU PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, on Thursday (20 / 5) had dijenguk by elementary school children (SD) Yosodipuro, Solo teacher Siti led Markamah.

The elementary students also perform the prayer at the entrance to the ICU where Gesang treated, which requested that the Maestro keroncong can recover quickly and after that also gives the picture a poster given to Yani Effendi Gesang, nephew Gesang.

Gesang hospitalized handled surgeon Dr Suryo penyakt in Aribowo, Prof. dr Suradi (lung specialist), Dr. Suharto (urologist), Dr. Anik Rusnani (neurologist) and Dr. Trisula (cardiologist).

From the results of diagnostic physician team, he added, declining drastically Gesang health conditions that affected the three factors, namely lack of food intake, history of complications of the illness for a long time, other factors also an advanced age.

Before entering the RSU PKU Muhmmadiyah, added Prof. dr Suradi who is also Deputy Director of the PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital, on Wednesday (12 / 5) Gesang did have major health problems in old age is always getting the supervision of a physician on a regular basis, including the prostate gland disorder and weak heart.

Later Gesang also experience urinary tract infections and respiratory infections, while the crocodile was also reluctant to eat keroncong occasionally followed by nausea and vomiting, to the drastic decline of health conditions.

Based on the latest news about the Solo songs are in the claims by four people from the Dutch state as the Solo songwriter. The Maestro has Gesang Martohartono bequeath to this country song. Perjuangkanlah spirit of Mr. Gesang with beliaulah continue to voice that the creator of the song.

Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

Cerita Akhir Meninggalnya Gesang

SOLO - Gesang Martohartono died at approximately 18:07 pm, Gesang had previously hospitalized since Tuesday, May 12 until this afternoon breathed his last.

Members of the team physician Dr. RS PKU Solo Sujadi explained that besides the age factor, Gesang died due to blood flow is impaired in amrola wall.

Here is a chronology Gesang health and death in the year 2010:

January 18, 2010 - Gesang underwent prostate surgery in PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta Hospital, Monday morning.

January 22, 2010 - Gesang sent back home.

January 23, 2010 - Gesang Martohartono back was rushed to hospital on Saturday PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta. "It turned out to drop the condition the house because he will not eat," said Yani, nephew Gesang.

January 25, 2010 - Condition Gesang Martohartono getting better.

May 12, 2010 - Maestro keroncong Martohartono Gesang was rushed by his family to PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta Hospital.

May 17, 2010 - Gesang forced to intensive care in the ICU PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta Hospital.

May 20, 2010 - At 12:05 pm, Gesang Martohartono condition has improved and can fluently communicate with the family. Even Gesang several times humming the songs that became his work. But ultimately declined Gesang conditions.

May 20, 2010 - 18:10 AM Gesang eventually dies due to respiratory infections.